Step out


Enough. How much is really enough? It’s kind of fun to challenge yourself and see how little you can have to be content. We are used to living with limitations, but what about living without them? That can be harder than expected… Lotto fever is bigger than its ever been before. They’ve actually changed the […]


Today is a beautiful day — aren’t they all? Today is the day we have, there is no telling what it will bring, and quite a while back I decided that my job is to live it and love it! There are always lessons and examples in life that remind me, often quite beautifully, of […]

Peeling Off My Shell

On my morning bike ride I came upon a small gopher tortoise, about the size of my palm, in the middle of the road.  Its tiny smooth shell glistened in contrast to the hot, steamy blacktop paving. I continued on my path, not wanting to disturb the natural order of things. But on my way […]

What Going Out of My Comfort Zone Taught Me

While flipping the channels passively to wind down from the day, the movie Everest kept trekking into view. I obliged and watched- all the while questioning the motive for such a dangerous sport, hobby, or whatever it is. Questions like- why would anyone put themselves in such danger? Why would anyone purposely be so uncomfortable? […]

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

Now, I don’t go back as far as having the family huddled around the radio in the evening, but I do have memories of my father reading me a story before bedtime. The art of listening, either by a parent, or technology, has been around for ages and although it’s now in a different format, […]

Butterfly Gardens and Fitbits

  Technology regularly gets the blame for creating a world of adult couch-potatoes and screen obsessed kids. With a world of distraction at our fingertips it is easy to get lost in endless, sedentary hours of watching, tapping and scrolling, but lately I’ve had a different kind of technology experience. Encouraged by my sister Julie […]

Oh The Places We Go!

  Last week I biked and hiked along Vail Mountain Pass, windsurfed on a Florida ocean inlet, pub crawled in Ireland, and ate fresh lobster bayside in a small town in Maine.  One day, we rode horses on a Montana wilderness trail.  Oh, I put in a full work week too.  Money and time are […]

Not So Square

Gathered in the old VFW hall were people of all shapes and sizes, backgrounds and ages (well, mostly our age or older, dear readers!)  The wooden floor of the hall, reminiscent of a 1950s school cafeteria, was about to be transformed into a platform of rhythm, movements, and  joy.  The joy manifests as you rediscover […]

Fall with the Moon, Rise with the Sun

Living by the rise of the sun and  sleeping by the glow of the moon. That is a peace like no other. The place- Pineda de Mar, Spain     The time- July, 1979 As I glanced out the window at the rocky barren mountains yielding themselves to the lapping waves of the sea, my […]

Two Steps Forward, One Step SPLAT!

Last week was pretty exciting for me. I finished a 10 day nutritional cleanse and started a workout plan! I am always thinking and reading about health and how to be more energetic, thinner, and set up for a long active life. Sometimes I even act on all this thinking! Actually I do pretty well on Step […]

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